The GuitarTracker from MusicNomad Equipment Care helps you keep track, maintain and showcase your Guitars, Amps, Pedals & more. You can easily set up your gears key info (such as photos, serial number, price paid, make/model, etc). You can also export all your gear details to excel. We have included a list of tasks that are automatically assigned to your Guitars to get you started. You can be alerted when a task such as a Guitar Setup, Humidify Start Date or Restringing is coming up. You can create your own special tasks and have the application alert you when those are due as well. You can view and email yourself or any other interested party a complete history of the care and maintenance of your gear. Lastly, share your cool gear collection with our Showcase feature that let’s GuitarTracker users share their gear with each other to check out and “geek-out" on all the cool gear out there. You can mark your favorite showrooms to go back to.